What's that you say? You think your dog has suddenly lost their hearing? Here's what you need to know about this potentially ruff situation.
Your dog is high on the list of the best friends in your life, and you'd do just about anything to make sure they're well, but wanting to help and actually knowing what to do if they suddenly lose their hearing are two different things. It's actually difficult to know for certain that an animal is deaf without veterinarian testing.
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Purchased A Cat? Tips To Keep Their Teeth Healthy
If you just purchased a new cat, you should know that cats can live for many years. This is only, however, if you take proper care of your new pet. Part of keeping your new cat healthy is keeping its teeth healthy. This can help prevent problems, such as gum disease and other issues. Gum disease can be dangerous as this can lead to heart problems if not taken care of.
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